Residual Value Report: Ford cars make big jump

The Automotive Lease Guide has just released its annual report of residual values. Thanks to slimmed production and lower incentives, both Ford and Chevrolet saw jumps of 11 and 7.5 percentage points, respectively, compared to five years ago, and a number of other manufacturers saw the worth of their products climb as well. Ford's passenger cars managed to rank second in the highest improvement since 2005 with a residual value of 48.8 percent. Both Ford and Chevrolet trucks are counted separately in the survey because of their disproportionately high residual value.

Both Suzuki and Hyundai found themselves on the top five list of improved residual value with 12.6 and 9.1 respective percentage point jumps over 2005 – healthy numbers. But for as much as those brands have improved over the last half decade, others, like Porsche, Volvo and BMW have seen their numbers fall.

Porsche has taken the biggest hit, with the company's residual value falling to 44.4 percent – an 8.2 percentage point drop since 2005.

[Source: Automotive News]
Photo by Drew Phillips, Copyright ©2010 Weblogs, Inc.

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