Funny Car Commercial of the Day: Audi's musically gifted S3

Audi's musically gifted S3 – Click above to watch the video after the break

What is it about music and driving that make the two so inexorably linked? Hard to say, but there's simply no doubting that the right tune can turn a boring and mundane drive home from work into a truly enjoyable experience.

But have you ever actually tried making music using your automobile? It's been done before, but never in quite the same way as you'll see performed in the video after the break, courtesy of our friends at Audi. Sure, you might say that the 265 horses under the S3's hood make more than enough neighs whinnies music all on their own, but there's no use crying over spilled... um, water.

Click past the break to watch the video, and see more funny car commercials at


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