Video: 24 Hours of LeMons Ford Escort ZX2 flips out

Rubbing is Racing - click above to watch the video

One of the common, angry refrains that veteran 24 Hours of LeMons teams voice is the fact that the $500 junker series keeps increasing the safety requirements, especially when it comes to roll cages. After all, their cage passed the tech inspection last time, no problem. Why the hassle, man?

It can be safely assumed however, that the driver of the Ford Escort ZX2 sees no problem with tighter, tougher (and yes, safer) LeMons roll cage requirements. First and foremost, the driver walked away from the wreck (it took place at last weekend's Gator-O-Rama 2010 race near Houston, TX) with zero injuries. Second of all, the following video is a very good lesson in why your wheels shouldn't stick out past your car's fenders. Sadly, the AMC Gremlin that the Escort climbed up isn't visible. However, you can see a little piece of its side wing airborne in the image above. Watch the video, after the jump. Thanks to DrWife for capturing the footage!

[Source: YouTube]

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