VIDEO: The answer to how Honda will market the Accord Crosstour? Animated jazz

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We're not so sure about the Honda Accord Crosstour. It's definitely a Honda, so at least from a marketer's perspective, that''s a big plus, but the big crossover/hatchback//wagon/thing isn't exactly what we'd call pretty, and worse, it isn't even as functional as its competitors. We're not alone in our criticism of Honda's latest, as the Japanese automaker has heard more than its fair share of Crosstour complaints on the Internets. Like it or loathe it, though, the Crosstour is upon us, and Honda dealers need to sell it. We were curious as to how Honda might try to ply such an odd duck, and we have at least a preliminary answer waiting for you after the jump.

The commercial starts off with about 15 seconds of oddly animated polygon characters playing some smooth, Cosby Show-style jazz. Between 15 and 20 seconds we see the band's instruments fitting in the Crosstour's hatch (though oddly, they don't play up the car's chief storage trick, its hidden storage box). At the 20 second mark, we finally see the Crosstour in the flesh, and the spot wraps up with a few words from actor Kevin Spacey as always. We're far from convinced, but you'll want to hit the jump to judge the 30 second spot for yourself.

Photos copyright ©2009 Chris Paukert / Weblogs, Inc.
[Source: Honda]


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