Which cars would a President Obama or McCain promote?

Apparently, Marty Padgett and Bengt Halvorson over at The Car Connection had a little extra time over the weekend. As part of the political frenzy being created thanks to the national party conventions happening over the next two weeks, the automotive website has taken it upon itself to predict which types of vehicles will become more popular depending on who is president of the U.S. starting in January. Their take? A President Barack Obama would promote diesel pickups, the Honda Accord diesel, the Ford Fiesta and the Chrysler 300C HEMI. On the other side, a President John McCain would mean more Chevrolet Tahoe Hybrids, Toyota Priuses, Honda Civic GXs, Chevrolet Volts and Nissan EVs on the roads. You can read their reason for these choices after the jump, but it basically comes down to which broad automotive policies each candidate has promoted thus far in the race. Still, I thought the Prius was the car of choice for Obamaniacs?

[Source: TheCarConnection.com]


The Car Connection Names Cars for the Next Four Years

One of these candidates is going to be our next president - and these are the cars you'll be seeing more of in the next term

PALO ALTO, Calif., Aug. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- With the election quickly approaching, it's time for car enthusiasts and shoppers everywhere to get to the real issue for the next presidential term: What's going to be cool to drive for the next four years?

The two leading candidates for president, Sen. John McCain from Arizona and Sen. Barack Obama from Illinois, have both voiced strong opinions on the auto industry in recent months. Obama, for example, says he'll give Detroit money to stop building SUVs and start building 35-mpg cars; McCain's been a champion of higher fuel economy laws and wants $300 million for a new generation of electric cars.

Marty Padgett and Bengt Halvorson of TheCarConnection.com analyzed the candidates' preferences and proposed policies to predict which cars, trucks and SUVs would be more popular with each of the candidates in the running.

Though the Illinois senator is clearly in favor with the green movement, Halvorson says the Chrysler 300C might get a bump from an Obama administration: "He may drive a Ford Escape Hybrid now, but it's hard to forget the blingy Chrysler 300C was his whip until his media handlers took charge." As for McCain, Padgett says Toyota's popular Prius is set for a bigger slice of the market. "Like McCain himself, it's getting a second wind thanks to rising gas prices."

These are TheCarConnection.com's predictions for the vehicles most likely to be a hit under the next President of the United States:

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.)

Diesel pickups. Big pickups aren't going away, Halvorson says, but neither are drastic new fuel economy standards. "Obama has been a vocal supporter of biodiesel, and each of the Detroit carmakers is planning diesel for their big trucks," he says.

Honda Accord diesel. The diesel lead in cars might be with Volkswagen for now, but Halvorson says just wait until the segment-killing Honda Accord gets in on the action. "It's a new turbo diesel estimated at 50 mpg on the highway," he points out. "Obamacans will flock to it, along with some of the other 300,000-plus buyers who line up for the Accord each year."

Ford Fiesta. It's coming in 2010, and Ford's new subcompact is just the ticket for an Obama administration. "Obama wants $4 billion for Detroit to build new small cars, and Ford is already planning on building it in North America," Halvorson says. "They could use the incentives to make a hybrid or diesel version for real 50-mpg capability."

Chrysler 300C HEMI. Be like Barack? Last year Obama was singled out by the media for driving this stylish sedan. "It was perhaps a little too extravagant for a Democrat," Halvorson observes. "Now he's driving the politician's stand-by, a Ford Escape Hybrid, but he hasn't been able to shake the 300C image."

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.)

Chevrolet Tahoe Hybrid. Like McCain, "It's green and it's tough as nails," Padgett says. "Throw Mitt Romney in the back seat, have him come up with a way to lop $5000 off the sticker price and it's a deal."

Toyota Prius. McCain's come out in favor of across-the-board incentives for high-mileage cars -- and the Prius' tax credits expired long ago. "The Prius is poised for an even stronger second wind under McCain," Padgett points out.

Honda Civic GX. Natural gas is one way to divert cars from the oil stream -- and McCain's spoken out for more compressed-natural-gas vehicles like the ones your city's bus system probably uses today. The Honda Civic GX uses compressed natural gas (CNG); "you can refill it at home and you can get natural gas from domestic sources," Padgett says, making it a more friendly alternative to more offshore drilling.

Chevrolet Volt. The GM PR machine has been working overtime on the gas-electric Volt, the plug-in hybrid they hope to launch by late 2009. They can expect McCain to be an ally, Padgett says: "McCain wants more nuclear power, which will help keep the Volt charged up, and he's in favor of tax credits for zero-carbon-emission cars." http://blogs.thecarconnection.com/blogs/marty_blog/2011/gm-leaks-more-pics-of- 2011-chevrolet-volt/

Nissan EV. With his $300 million plan to fund a new generation of electric-car batteries, McCain might be giving a lift to Nissan, which wants to sell mainstream electric vehicles by 2012. "Giving power to the people doesn't have to involve fossil fuels," Padgett says, "and this proves McCain is as green as Republicans come."

For more predictions, go to: http://blogs.thecarconnection.com/blogs/marty_blog/2008/five-cars-for-the- next-four-years/

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