Quantum of Solace trailer shows little bit of Aston, lot of movie

We have to admit, when we heard the next Bond film was going to be called "Quantum of Solace," we kind of scrunched our faces a little bit. Still, Casino Royale was so good that we figured we'd give it the old innocent-until-proven-guilty treatment. Well, now we've seen the trailer, and it looks so bloody good we're all verklempt. We clapped at the end. And then we watched it again.

There's so much action in the trailer that we don't know how there's going to be room for story unless it's as long as Ben Hur, but right now we don't much care. There's only a brief glimpse of the DBS in the trailer at the very end, but whatever it's doing it looks suitably Bond-ish. We'll even admit that the 2-minute clip is good enough to forgive wrecking this Aston DBS, this Alfa, and another Aston DBS during filming. Now you'll have to excuse us while we go watch the trailer a third time. Come on, November 7. Check out the Quantum of Solace trailer for yourself after the jump.

[Source: Moviefone]

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