Got an extra $90 grand? Consider a self-driving Escape hybrid

We've been taking a close look at many of the vehicles created for various DARPA challenges, and it finally appears as if some of the new technology gained by these trials is trickling down into the real world. For instance, you're likely aware of new technologies such as lane-departure warning and adaptive cruise control which add a touch of safety and a bit less driver control to your daily commute. If you like this idea but want to go all the way, TORC will be offering its autonomous wares for about sixty grand. Also needed will be a donor vehicle, specifically a Ford Escape Hybrid. The company claims that this vehicle makes an excellent starting point due to its on-board batteries, rugged structure and plenty of cargo space. After the cost of the hybrid is accounted for, the total investment in a self-driving car is still less than a hundred grand, which is pretty impressive for such technology.

[Source: CNET]

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