Bob Lutz blogs about first drive in Volt mule

Bob Lutz has gotten behind the wheel of a Chevy Volt mule, and he seems rather impressed -- both by the performance of its electric drivetrain's instant torque capabilities and the far-reaching impact that the electric vehicle could have on the marketplace. Of course, we are all familiar by now with the wallet-killing gas prices that are commonplace at our nation's stations, and Lutz was struck with just how important the Volt project truly is as he drove around and saw gas hovering around (and over) $4 bucks a gallon.

Although the vehicle that Lutz drove is still very much an engineering mule, the battery pack installed in the electric car was a lithium ion unit which has already been tested in the lab. Apparently, this first test-pack was delivered back in April, which marks a bit of a watershed moment in the development of the Volt. It's way too early in the development of the E-Flex platform to get your checkbooks out, as Lutz clearly states, but actual moving prototypes powered by lithium ion batteries is an important milestone. Read the official blog posting by the man himself here.

[Source: GM Fastlane Blog]

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