VW CEO threatens to resign if Porsche interferes

It looks like Porsche's aggressive advances at Volkswagen are less than welcome by Volkswagen's management. Its CEO, Martin Winterkorn, has warned Porsche to keep its mitts out of operations, saying that he will resign his position if there's interference. Winterkorn isn't alone in his agitation, as Der Spigel reports Audi managers are concerned that Porsche will go a-meddling in Ingolstadt once its stake increases above 50 percent. Though VW, Audi, and Porsche are all cousins of a sort, Audi's product line comes uncomfortably close to Porsches in some cases, which doesn't portend well for the continuation of the status quo. Stay tuned as "Alle Meine Kinder," brought to you by Dr. Ferdinand Porsche, continues.
[Source: Forbes, Photo by MICHAEL KAPPELER/AFP/Getty]

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