Nick Hogan sentenced to 8 months in jail


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Today in Clearwater, Florida, a judge sentenced Nick Bollea, son of famous WWE wrestler Hulk Hogan, to eight months in jail for reckless driving. Last August Bollea crashed his father's yellow modified Toyota Supra into a palm tree while street racing. Not only did he total the car, but his friend John Graziano who was riding shotgun that night will now require lifetime medical care for his critical injuries. The young Hogan was reportedly led off to serve his sentence immediately after it was handed down by the judge. In addition to the jail time, Bollea will also be on probation for five years and lose his drivers license for three. After all the hoopla that's led us to this point in Nick Bollea's tragic story, the only thing we can say is that the roads are probably safer tonight.

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[Source: USA Today]

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