Hogan sued by family of injured friend

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John Graziano was riding shotgun when Nick Bollea, son of famed pro wrestler Terry Bollea, a.k.a. Hulk Hogan, lost control of his modified Toyota Supra and hit a tree in Clearwater, Florida one rainy night last August. As we all know by now, Hogan's son suffered minored injuries, but Graziano suffered massive head trauma that will likely leave him hospitalized for life. The Graziano family filed a lawsuit on Monday against Terry Bollea, which claims he bears responsibility for the accident because he was aware of his son's penchant for speed and competitive racing. Police believe Nick Bollea was racing another car that night driven by his friend, Daniel Jacobs, who is also named as a defendant in the lawsuit. Linda Bollea, who has filed for a divorce from her husband, is the third defendant named. While the lawsuit doesn't specify an amount of money that the Graziano family is seeking, it appears they'd just like enough to cover their son's medical expenses for the rest of his life, which could amount to millions.

We're not sure who's in the right here, as we don't know whether Graziano was wearing his seatbelt at the time and, being Bollea's friend, assume he was well aware of the younger Hogan's lust for speed and competitive nature, as well. The fact that one person's life has been tragically altered is what's particularly sad, all on account of illegal street racing. How much responsibility Graziano himself or the rest of the Hogan family bears is a matter for the courts to decide.

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[Source: AOL Television]

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