Infiniti wants a 1-series competitor

Infiniti is gearing up for its entrance into Europe, but something's missing from its lineup: a small car. With BMW's 1-series being a popular choice for badge-obsessed consumers abroad, Infiniti needs something similar to solidify its place in the luxury hierarchy, but what form it will take is unclear.

According to Autocar, Infiniti insiders are planning to unleash something that aims to compete with the Audi A3 and BMW 1-series, but unnamed sources at Infiniti are quick to point out that the shape will be something entirely different than what's currently being offered by its competitors. The two options, according to Autocar, include a smaller crossover that would slot in below the EX35 or a hardtop convertible. Whatever it looks like, expect the new B-class Infiniti to be revealed sometime in 2010.

[Source: Autocar via JustAuto - Sub. Req.]

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