Inflated-Eco: Renault to withdraw Twingo ad in U.K.

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Continuing their effort to be sure that all advertisements in the U.K. are "legal, decent, honest and truthful", the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has asked Renault to withdraw an ad for their Twingo which apparently showed leaves being emitted from its tail-pipe, on one of which was written the words 'eco-nomical eco-logical.' The ASA suggested that this advertisement "exaggerated the environmental benefits of the Twingo and was therefore likely to mislead". Renault is complying with this suggestion and is changing the ad so that it would instead direct consumers to their website, where they could then read about what Renault is doing to lower the environmental impact of its vehicles.

You may remember that the ASA has had other run-ins with automakers, such as Lexus and Toyota. As much as we appreciate what various automakers are trying to do in order to clean up their cars, perhaps suggesting that a car is so green that it emits leaves is a bit much. On the other hand, what are the chances that anybody who saw the commercial really took it this literally? Our response? Meh.

[Source: Just-Auto (subs. req'd)]

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