Aptera moving from R&D to production

If you have been to the Aptera website in the past and signed up for their newsletter you will have probably received a nice e-mail message from them yesterday addressed to "Aptera Family" that had some great news and even featured a few videos. If you didn't, don't worry. I'll not only give you the skinny on what you missed, but after the jump you can watch the brand new video (we've already shown you the others) which is a guided tour of the Aptera Typ-1. But wait there's more, because I'm a nice guy, (if you don't believe me, ask my Mom): I'll even give you the special secret link to the newsletter hidden on their website.

We've been following the progress of the Typ-1 since the beginning and it has been great to watch the car move from an early drawing to rough prototype to pre-production thing of beauty. We've watched it being test driven by Popular Mechanics (we're still jealous) and the L.A.Times (our turn, hello!!!) and reported its appearances in a Touchstone Energy T.V. commercial as well as the Star Trek film set. Unlike the vapor that seems to fill the news wires, this thing is real and is on the way.

Hit the jump for news and video. And the secret link.

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

After months of long days and late nights teasing out all the details necessary to turn this dream machine into a reality, Aptera is announcing that they have completed the design phase for the Typ-1. They are now ready to get busy with the awesome task of manufacturing their aerodynamic vision. And busy they will be.

They already have the financing in place but there is still much that will need to be done before production can begin. First, and this may interest some of you, they need to hire "a bunch" of people. Next, they have to move into their new building (location undisclosed). They also want to do a little more advanced crash testing and refining of the manufacturing process. Then there are plans to build an Aptera store from which to conduct their sales and service. I expect that their showroom will be pretty empty for a while since more than a thousand vehicles have already been reserved.

A more regular flow of news and updates are being promised as well so if you haven't signed up for the newsletter yet you can do that at the top of any page on their website which, by the way, is also slated for an extensive re-making. Don't believe me? Sound too good to be true? Go ahead, read it for yourself!

[Source: Aptera]

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