Video: Aptera rolls into Touchstone commercial

It was a Sunday like any other Sunday. I was on YouTube, browsing through the many Japanese game show selections, when I noticed a clip in English entitled "Aptera rolls into town". Although aptera means "without wings" in Greek, none of the flightless birds I've ever heard of roll, so much as they walk. I quickly realized they were talking about that other Aptera, the ultra-aerodynamic car that is my heart's desire.

Apparently, Touchstone Energy Cooperatives, self-described as "a national alliance made up of more than 640 local, consumer-owned electric cooperatives in 46 states," wanted something in their advertisement that showed they were future-oriented as well as environmentally aware. Works for me. I was poking around the Touchstone website in no time and, thanks to a post by c0mp13x over at, I just discovered a pair of recent video interviews done by One is with Aptera founder and CEO, Steve Fambro, looking spiffy and discussing his creation as well as some interesting upcoming plans. The other is with Aptera designer, Jason Hill. Both are well worth your time.

Check out the commercial and interviews after the jump.

[Source: YouTube /]

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