Senator John F. Kerry proclaims Vectrix a vehicle of the future

Senator Kerry usually likes to drive his Harley-Davidson Wide Glide when he feels the need for the wind in his bouffant and bugs in his teeth. (Someone get that Senator a helmet!) Monday though, found him on the back of a Vectrix scooter while visiting their New Bedford, Massachusetts operations where, according to a report on SouthCoastToday, he spoke of going "beyond fossil fuels" and "really exciting great possibilities" and "a Vectrix for every blogger". (Ok, I made that last one up.) He reportedly did proclaim the bike a "vehicle of the future." Whether or not there was an electric scooter in his future went unstated.

What I'm sure really got his audience excited was his discussion of potential future federal tax incentives for zero-emissions vehicles. Vectrix wants an amendment on legislation ensuring that such an incentive extends to include two and three wheel vehicles. They are serious enough about it to include a new political outreach section to their website. And serious they should be since they need to get these bikes out of the factory and onto the streets!

[Source: SouthCoastToday]

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