Porsche formally applies for judicial review in London C-charge scuffle

In the ongoing fight between Porsche and Transport for London over the increased emissions charges in that city (previous stories - in chronological order - here, here, here, here and here), Porsche has now taken another step towards requesting judicial review of the charge. Following TfL's rejection of an earlier request from Porsche about changing the congestion charge, Porsche is giving the Mayor's office three weeks to respond to this latest filing.

Porsche's side of the story is being told at Porschejudicialreview, a Porsche website. There's more after the jump.

Press Release:

Porsche to make formal application for judicial review to challenge flawed emissions charge

In a letter to lawyers acting for Porsche, TfL and Mayor Ken Livingstone have rejected a request from Porsche for changes to the proposed introduction of a new £25 charge on some vehicles entering London.

Porsche will therefore file a request for judicial review. The Mayor will then have 21 days to acknowledge the Porsche claim. A background briefing on the process can be found here: http://www.porschejudicialreview.co.uk/news2.htm.

Responding to the Mayor's decision, Andy Goss, Managing Director of Porsche Cars GB, said: "The new £25 charge will have no meaningful impact on congestion and TfL's own figures show the anticipated CO2 emissions savings in a year could be equivalent to less than four hours of emissions from Heathrow. All it will do is unfairly hit large numbers of drivers in London and undermine London's attractiveness as a place to do business. We are therefore formally applying for judicial review to challenge the Mayor's proposals and we are confident we have a strong case."

[Source: Porsche]

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