Wagoner disagrees with Lutz on global warming, bets against states' rights

Rick Wagoner, CEO of General Motors, is a player in the auto industry. So when he sits down to have breakfast with reporters, you can bet that some juicy quotes will be delivered. Speaking on a number of topics recently at a breakfast with journos, Wagoner set the record straight that he does not share the view expressed by Bob Lutz that global warming is a "crock of $#!t". Of Lutz's famously quoted remark, Wagoner said, "The comments weren't coming out of our company." No, just the mouth of your Vice Chairman.
Wagoner also took some time to address the issue of states' rights when it comes to setting national emissions standards. Despite Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain all stating that they are for allowing individual states to set their own emissions standards, Wagoner thinks the lucky winner of the highest office in the land will change his or her mind after moving into the White House. He counts on our nation's economic growth being a bigger priority for the next president, something to which the auto industry can't contribute if it's forced to build different versions of its vehicles to satisfy multiple emissions standards.

Click either of the sources below to read a few more topics touched on by Wagoner over his green eggs and ham.

[Source: The Detroit News, Automotive News - sub. req'd, Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty]

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