Planet Biodiesel offers biodiesel tours in Cambodia

One of these days we'll have at least one post from every country in the world here on AutoblogGreen. After all, cars are a worldwide thing and it is called "global" warming, isn't it? Today, we feature our first post about Cambodia, where a charity group called Planet Biodiesel Outreach Cambodia has started running tours using a biodiesel-powered van/truck thing (pictured). The organization offers 7- and 12-day triips where your local transportation is powered by biodiesel the group makes from used veggie oil.
Funds raised from the tours go to run Planet Biodiesel's school and health programs, which you can learn about here. I don't know much else about the group other than what's on the website, but I gotta say, this itinerary sure sounds nice. Thanks to Project Biodiesel's Tim W. for the tip.

[Source: Planet Biodiesel]

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