Air Car Factories also working on compressed-air vehicles

One of my first tasks here in ABG was interviewing Miguel Celades. For a long time, Celades was Guy Nègre's sales partner in the development of the Air Car. Now, though, Nègre is now working with Tata Motors; he and Celades canceled their business partnership a few months ago (check MDI's press release here - Thanks to Heriberto for the tip)
However, Mr. Celades has decided that since he had invested a lot in the Air Car project, he'd continue on his own. He has therefore created a company called Air Car Factories, which is currently working with the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) to have a air car prototype ready in the next few months.

Celades said that companies such as Atlas Copco from Sweden were interested in his project, as well as Scuderi and Regusci, an air-compressor company that has a similar project in their hands. While things are looking positive for Air Car Factories, Celades doesn't hide the fact that he would love to have a partnership with an automaker to sell the engine, like Mr. Nègre did with Tata.

[Source: El Mundo]

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