Ariel trademarks the name "Elektron." Something in the works?


Ariel is no stranger to our pages, usually mentioned in connection with Wrightspeed or Brammo Motorsports. Perhaps you are already familiar with the Wrightspeed X1, which uses the Ariel Atom chassis for the basis of an electric supercar. Brammo Motorsports is the U.S. distributor for the Atom, and also has dealings with electric motorcycles and has plans for electric cars as well. We've also heard rumblings from Ariel that a motorcycle may be in their future, possibly even an electric one. Now, we've received word that Ariel has applied for the name "Elektron," which means absolutely nothing on the surface but is leading some to believe that an electric car might be on the product pipeline from the small automotive company.

We are not ready to breathe any more life into these rumors, but the name is rather intriguing. We wonder what Ariel has up their sleeves, if anything. As awesome as the Atom is, any news from the company regarding an electric vehicle is worth paying some attention to.

Thanks for the tip, Domenick!

[Source: Auto IT]

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