Rogue GT? Gone. Enter the Enertia GT from Brammo Motorsports!


Brammo Motorsports is really gettin' their green on these days. They just released information on their new electric motorcycle, the Enertia. Now, word leaks that they are changing their gasoline-burning ways and are shifting the focus of their upcoming supercar to electric power! The vehicle was previously known as the Rogue GT; the name has been changed to the Enertia GT to go along with their electric motorcycle. The Rogue was to be powered by a V12 engine, obviously the new one will use an electric motor instead. Because of the nature of electric motors and the fact that they produce maximum torque off the line, the vehicle might just accelerate harder than if it had the V12 engine, but give back some of that performance at the top end.

It should be noted that the company also builds the Ariel Atom here in the States. The CEO of the company, Craig Bramscher, truly seems to have had a change of heart when it comes to environmental issues, as he also claims that there are many other alternative fuel projects in the works.

Unfortunately, we don't have many other details to give you. We might mention that the Enertia bike uses lithium based batteries from Valence. Might the car version use the same? Carbon fiber was put to good use as well on the motorcycle, and would be expected on a supercar as well. I am really excited by this news - a new player has joined Tesla in the electric supercar games. Brammo has experience in building cars already, and offers their vehicles for sale currently. No mention was made of price, of course. It's certainly just conjecture at this point, but will they follow Tesla's lead in offering lower cost and passenger friendly electric cars to a larger market? These really are exciting times to be following the alternative vehicle industry.

[Source: Winding Road via Autoblog]

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