VIDEO: Rally champ Sebastien Loeb gets speeding ticket at Swedish Rally


It's pretty straightforward for most of us: drive above the speed limit and risk getting in trouble with the fuzz. Racing drivers usually get away with it – if only because they're on closed circuits – which makes it all the more interesting when the same fate befalls them as applies to the rest of us. Although nothing seems to have come out of Schumacher's now-famous cab-driving incident, for example, Lewis Hamilton can't drive anymore on French roads. Now, after having almost run down a police officer on his way to a record fifth consecutive victory in Monte Carlo, we've got video footage of incumbent rally champion Sebastien Loeb getting pulled over by Swedish police in his Citroen C4 rally car.

In the video after the jump, you can clearly see the same ticked-off look the rest of us get while receiving a ticket. But the discernible exasperation could be more from the results of that weekend's rally, where mechanical problems forced Loeb to retire as Ford's Jari-Matti Latvala became the youngest ever rally winner at 22, topping a Ford- dominated podium at the 2008 Swedish Rally.

[Source: Autosport and YouTube]

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