Drive a Ford Truck? That'd better not be a scooter in the bed!

"Built Ford Tough is a mantra for truck and owner alike. F-Series leaves no room for compromise. It's reputation for toughness has been earned on the farms, work sites and roads across America. So, if you're going to drive the toughest truck, then you've got a responsibility to man-up and do your part. There's a code of conduct when you're behind the wheel of an F-Series. We're here to enforce it. We're here to protect and serve the brand."

So says Ford with it's "Built Ford Tough Rules" team. Not compromising apparently means no scooters. Rule number 2 excludes transporting scooters from acceptable Ford F-Series truck usage. We imagine that those who ride or rebuild scooters might need a truck to transport them. If that is the case, you'd better look at a brand other than Ford for your needs.

PS - We do realize that this is satire. We're aren't really offended : )

[Source: Ford via Autoblog]

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