NASCAR hears the word: green means go

The "NASCAR dads" (one of the silly names the U.S. media has given to a supposed voting block) aren't known for their environmentalism, but that may change. Not too long ago, we wrote about the possibility that NASCAR will shift to ethanol and how Toyota was showing the Prius to the NASCAR crowd. The green message is now coming from the legendary NASCAR driver Robert Yates.
At the MIA's Energy Efficient Motorsport Seminar in Orlando earlier this month, Yates said that "it is time to get rid of the carburettor," which, as the MIA's press release put is, means "it is time American motorsport became more energy efficient."

And why not? There are plenty of ways to go fast without burning gasoline. Diesel trucks modified by Gale Banks, for example, break speed records, and Banks joined Yates in asking NASCAR to think green. You can read more in the MIA release after the break, but getting NASCAR dads to get turned on to the green car message is not going to be an easy task. Having Yates and Banks do the talking is one way to get it heard.

[Source: The MIA]


Retiring NASCAR legend Robert Yates surprised many with his comments at the MIA's Energy Efficient Motorsport Seminar, that formed part of the Advanced Engineering Technology Conference (AETC) in Orlando on December 5.

Robert, whose son Doug has assumed control of the family NASCAR team for next season, has carried the torch for 'maximum horsepower' throughout his career. Yet, as he put it, 'it is time to get rid of the carburettor' - ie it is time American motorsport became more energy efficient.

The spellbound 150 delegates also heard from acknowledged turbo-diesel engine expert Gale Banks, the builder of a 220mph drag/road racing truck, who asked quite simply, 'why does the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series not go turbo-diesel'?

Said the MIA's Chris Aylett, who chaired the seminar, "It was very rewarding to hear these renowned, died in the wool American racers preaching the green message. Our aim with these conferences is to help motorsport to become more relevant and therefore secure its place in the energy efficient world of the future. It is clear the tide is turning, but there is a long road still to travel."

The AETC conference ran immediately prior to the PRI Show, where the MIA was hosting 16 UK motorsport exhibitors and assisting a further 19 visiting UK companies. Said the MIA's Peter Coleman, "PRI remains by far the biggest motorsport show in the world and the feedback from our UK exhibitors was extremely positive. Some reported up to 750 visits to their stands and firm orders for as much as £600,000. Many managed to hold 100-150 meetings during the event and recorded dozens of serious contacts. Most felt the MIA offered very good value for money and there was much praise for our VIP Industry Reception, which was felt to have resulted in a host of useful contacts. Most of the companies are already planning a return to PRI next year."

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