ACEA and voluntary CO2 notes in European car ads

There are certainly plenty of good reasons to standardize the terminology for a vehicle's CO2 emissions in advertising. Earlier this year, more than one company has gotten into a bit of hot water over misleading ads (see examples regarding Toyota and Lexus and Hummer) and it could certainly help buyers better understand how a potential new car would spew carbon compared to others if a standard label was applied to CO2 emissions. Europeans might soon get such a label. The European Automobile Manufacturers Association, ACEA, is discussing voluntary codes that automakers could use in advertising that requires readers/viewers to easily identify a vehicle's CO2 emissions.

The codes are not going to be easy to develop. As ACEA spokeswoman Sigrid de Vries told Automotive News Europe (subs req'd), "It's a rather complex situation, with differences in each country according to national culture and tradition." The automakers will need to develop something, though, because the European Parliament recommended last month that automakers must "devote 20 percent of their broadcast, print and internet ads to tobacco-type warnings about the fuel consumption and carbon footprint of their cars," ANE reporter Tom Armitage writes. Just how clear these disclaimers will be is something we'll be looking forward to deciphering.

[Source: Automotive News Europe / Tom Armitage]

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