Magnetic Power Inc.'s GENIE technology is supposed to do eight great things

I don't think we've had a "new-technology-that-will-solve-everything" type of post on AutoblogGreen in a while, so why not offer up a fresh one to our readers?

On display today is GENIE (Generating Electricity by Nondestructive Interference of Energy), a technology developed by Magnetic Power Inc. Before we get into what GENIE is, let's see what MPI says it will do. To wit:

GENIE powered vehicles will:
  1. Never require fuel of any kind
  2. Help prevent future resource wars
  3. Earn substantial cash for their owners
  4. Reverse the decline of the auto industry
  5. End the need to build more power plants
  6. Eliminate concerns regarding fuel mileage
  7. Generate new jobs and stimulate the economy
  8. Create a powerful weapon against climate change
Sounds good, no? You can read more good new in the MPI document after the jump and in a PDF available at the MPI site called Will Your Future Car Pay for Itself?. Now, what is GENIE? Apparently, some sort of powere generator, but you'll have to ask someone else for more info. Here's a description on MPI's website:

Based upon proprietary discoveries in MPI's labs, GENIE generators are being designed that operate continuously, without fuel, extracting electricity by converting an abundant, renewable, extremely dense, energy source that exists everywhere in the universe. The process will create no pollution. Variations will provide a permanent power supply that eliminates the need for batteries of all sizes. Conventional power costs are rising. The cost of electricity from GENIE promises to be less than any competing form of power generation today, or in the foreseeable future.

In that PDF listed above GENIE is described this way:

GENIE, under development by Magnetic Power, Inc., is a new type of generator that can be constructed both with and without rotating parts. Solid-state GENIE modules can be scaled down to replace batteries. Small variations will be able to power cell phones and other electronic devices. They can also be scaled up to run cars. Unlike batteries they do not need to be recharged. Large GENIE generators will be capable of producing one Megawatt, or more, and can be utilized by energy hungry industries as well as power plants.

There is more in articles on the MPI site. I still don't quite understand how GENIE operates. If you can find this out, feel free to write it up in the comments.

[Source: Magnetic Power Inc., submitted by Mark Goldes, MPI's CEO]

Surprise! Here comes GENIEā„¢
A revolutionary new technology, GENIE (Generating Electricity by Nondestructive Interference of Energy) is being developed at Magnetic Power Inc.

GENIE powered vehicles will:
  1. Never require fuel of any kind
  2. Help prevent future resource wars
  3. Earn substantial cash for their owners
  4. Reverse the decline of the auto industry
  5. End the need to build more power plants
  6. Eliminate concerns regarding fuel mileage
  7. Generate new jobs and stimulate the economy
  8. Create a powerful weapon against climate change
Oil: In two years there will be a billion automotive vehicles worldwide, triggering ever higher prices for fuel. Biofuels: Some have positive potential, particularly for the inevitable transition period. Hydrogen: Billions in infrastructure are needed for most projected systems, including fuel cells. GENIE: No fuel ever required.

Resource Wars
The conflict in Iraq is clearly about oil. Can there be any doubt that nations will fight over shortages of fuel, water and food supplies? GENIE can rapidly cut back the demand for oil or any other fuel. It can also provide the power for inexpensive desalination plants, as well as pipelines to carry fresh water wherever it is needed.

Cars can earn income
Vehicle to grid (V2G) power was demonstrated by Google and Pacific Gas and Electric Co. during April, 2007. An article about V2G, published in 2002, suggested that a typical hybrid electric car could produce $2,000 each year for the vehicle's owner when parked. This was based on power drawn from the car's batteries. In the future, GENIE is expected to replace both batteries and car engines as well as provide far greater amounts of electricity. It may provide sufficient annual income to the owner to reimburse the purchase price of many vehicles, over a reasonable period of time.

Provide a huge boost to the auto industry
Once cars become available that need no fuel, it is logical to expect manufacturers will sell every such vehicle they make. Plants that have been shut down may reopen. Auto workers who have been laid off may have the opportunity to be rehired. Large numbers of new automotive manufacturing jobs will be created.

No more coal burning or nuclear plants
Cars are parked about 95% of the time. Once cars are powered by GENIE, a typical urban parking lot could provide several megawatts of electricity. Inductive coupling can be used to eliminate the need for any wire or plug connection between the vehicle and the utility grid. This system can be implemented in substantially less time than constructing a nuclear plant. It will also end the need to build new coal burning power plants.
Fuel mileage concerns will fade away
Cars that need no fuel will end the controversy about average mileage figures. Any car maker producing many GENIE powered vehicles, will no longer have to meet that challenge. Congress can then concern itself with other, more important, issues.

Economic stimulus
Concern is rising that the American economy is facing a possible recession. A revolutionary product as far-reaching as GENIE has the potential to provide huge numbers of new jobs and opportunities for new enterprise. As an example, consider the modification of existing cars, by shops that might readily be a franchise, where the owner drops off a vehicle and drives away in a loaner. A few days later, the customer returns to pick-up their converted, electric car; one that requires no recharge and can sell power to the local utility when parked.

A powerful new weapon to fight Global Warming
Greenland loses more ice each year than all the ice in the Alps, according to Konrad Steffen, a Greenland expert and advisor on abrupt climate change. "It is scary," said Steffen. Not only in Greenland, but in Antarctica and elsewhere there is massive melting of ice. "In 8 years nearly all Peru's glaciers will be gone due to global warming and its 27 million people will nearly all lack fresh water, with the likely result being: 'chaos, conflict and mass migration'. Each 1 degree Celsius global temperature rise deprives between 400 million and 1.7 billion people of sufficient water. "A total of 46 nations and 2.7 billion people are now at high risk of being overwhelmed by armed conflict and war because of climate change. A further 56 countries face political destabilization, affecting another 1.2 billion individuals." (Observer UK 11-4-07). More than 180 nations have coastal areas in peril. Two-thirds have over 5 million people under threat of serious flooding. Included!
are cities such as New York, London, Miami, Shanghai and Tokyo. Rajendra Pachauri, a scientist who heads the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore, concluded that drastic shifts are happening much more rapidly than earlier predicted. IPCC has stated: "What we do in the next two to three years will determine our future. This is the defining moment."

The World's Huge Appetite for Energy
Energy consumption is at the core of human existence. It virtually controls what we eat, how we live, where we go, how we are entertained, our health, knowledge, defense and exploration. The world's demand for energy is surging. The U.S. Department of Energy forecasts electricity use will grow by an average of 2 percent per year worldwide and almost twice as rapidly in the developing world. Robust economic growth in many developing nations is expected to boost demand for electricity for air conditioning, cooking, space and water heating, and refrigeration. We need to sharply accelerate development of radically new, cost-effective, sustainable alternatives. MPI has dedicated more than 20 years of research and development into exploring breakthrough technologies. To reverse the trends discussed above, MPI envisions a technological revolution, developed commercially, that conserves utilization of available planetary resources. GENIE is projected to be easy to manufacture and use, as well as inexpensive, thus capable of rapidly achieving global impact. It is time to speed development of this exciting technology.

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