GM still going all out for hydrogen - wants to be first with 1 million hydrogen cars

There is certainly no lack of people willing to make bold pronouncements regarding hydrogen cars. Over the summer, we heard about a million hydrogen-powered vehicles in India by 2020. Last year, there was talk of six million hydrogen cars in Europe by that same date. Today, over in Shanghai, GM vice president Elizabeth Lowery told Reuters that GM will be the first company to make a million fuel cell-powered vehicles. Lowery was helping to unveil the hydrogen Chevy Equinox in China.

GM's hydrogen timeline is already in motion, with Project Driveway underway (stay tuned for some news on that in a little bit). The company has previously announced that it hopes to have fuel cell vehicles available for sale/lease by around 2011 or 2012, and the million vehicle mark should be reached not too long thereafter.

So, GM's intention is easy to read. What would you do if you were a betting man?

[Source: Reuters / Fang Yan]

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