Aussie's anti-speeding campaign causes road rage instead

So, this guy in Australia is all offended because he was mocked in a manner promoted by an anti-hoonage advertising campaign. He was so offended, in fact, that he hurled a water bottle at a woman's car and promptly got himself charged with malicious damage. Since nothing can ever be anyone's fault, the Sydney man is blaming his behavior on the Roads and Traffic Authority's anti-speeding campaign in Australia that diminishes any macho cachet surrounding risky traffic moves by showing wagging pinky fingers, implying the behavior is compensation for, well, you know.

Simon Jardak received an AUS$400 fine, but contends that the wiggling pinky gesture his victim made was akin to sexual assault, and enraged him far more than her flashing her headlights and using other common rude gestures. Whatever, dude. Are you that insecure? If you're having a gestural fight with another driver while rolling down the highway, you deserve whatever rudeness you get. What amounts to a schoolyard taunt certainly doesn't deserve having things hurled at your car. Perhaps Mr. Jardak needs to cool his temper a bit – we can certainly imagine that anyone reckless enough to engage in an argument on the road and throw things at other cars might not be the most responsible driver.


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