No suicidal robots this year: GM may not run ads during Super Bowl


GM is considering a hiatus from in-game advertising during the next Super Bowl. Mark LaNeve, GM's VP of vehicle sales, service, and marketing, said that the timing simply wouldn't be right. With no new cars or launches, there would be no reason to spend the $2.6+ million necessary for thirty seconds of air time during the big game.

Last year GM ran one 30-second spot and two 60-second spots. One of the 60-second commercials promoted GM's 100,000 mile warranty featuring a robot that, in what turned out to be a dream sequence, committed suicide. It was actually one of four suicide-themed commercials that came out around that time, all of which generated a fair bit of publicity and discussion about advertising standards. Under pressure from a variety of organizations, GM altered the ad's finale (see altered version here).

LaNeve didn't completely rule out any advertising during this year's Super Bowl, saying "We might end up there, but we haven't committed we'll be there." Cadillac, though, will still sponsor the post-game show and MVP award.

[Source: Auto News, sub req'd]

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