New Zealand's electric car leadership

I particularly like this line in a recent story about electric cars in New Zealand: "Electric cars have been desired and designed, discounted and debunked, built and broken for many decades." Those debunked and broken aspects might soon (well, within five years) come to an end in New Zealand, should the government there get its plans in order.
David Parker, the government minister responsible for climate change issues in New Zealand, told the Dominion Post that he is positive electric cars are the future, because the technology is here and there is a real push to do something about climate change now, a feeling that wasn't there in previous decades when EVs were tried.

New Zealand-specific EV highlights include the Mitsubishi i-Car, which should arrive not long after it's debut in Japan in 2010 (other sources say the i-MiEV could arrive in 2008). Another supporter is Meridian Energy, which we've covered before, and its plan to test EVs on the road next year. And New Zealand will be able to power its EVs by all sorts of renewable methods. Parker says his country can be "one of the three best-placed countries in the world to power electric vehicles". Go Kiwis.

[Source: and Dominion Post, Nick Churchhouse via EV World]

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