Two new biofuel projects announced at Clinton Global Initiative

The 2007 Clinton Global Initiative is here and the green car angles this year can be found in the two new biofuel commitments, one from the Petra Group and another from FourWinds Capital Management.
The project from the Petra Group is a $100 million commitment over 10 years to "To eradicate poverty and create sustainable employment and wealth in the West Indies through the establishment of a Jethropha Curcus powered Bio-diesel plant and supporting plantations and nurseries." The governments of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Guyana are supporting this project.

FourWinds is already starting with its project, a plan to "develop investment programs in closed systems that focus on tropical biofuel production projects that maximize environmental and social welfare." The expected cost is $300 million over four years.

Two attempts to make biofuels in the tropics, with social welfare components? That sounds great to me, but let's not forget that it's a tricky thing to balance biofuels in the tropics with environmental concerns (see here and here). Other 2007 CGI commitments are available here.

2006 CGI news:
[Source: CGI via Green Car Congress]

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