The greenest city in America is ...

West Hollywood? 'Tis true, says this announcement about a new Green Building Resource Center that will open there on Monday. Most of the city's "Responsibility to the Environment" core value is represented by a greener buildings ordinance called the Mandatory Green Building Programs for Private Development (which is important). There are a few mobility-related dimensions of West Hollywood's green-ness, but not very impressive ones. Of the thirteen steps outlined by the city (and pasted after the jump), only two are transportation-related:
  • Provide bicycle parking as required by the code.
  • Reduce vehicle trips by complying with the City's Transportation Demand Management programs.
Not bad, but bike racks work a lot better when you have nice bike lanes in your city. And reducing trips makes even more of an impact when the car that are driven are high-mpg, low-emission.

Remember, Yahoo! had a similar christening recently and picked Hastings, Nebraska as the greenest city in America.

[Source: Business Wire]

Mandatory Items for all Projects Including Remodels and Additions:
  1. Divert 80% of construction and demolition waste away from landfills.
  2. Label storm drains in the public right-of-way that drain to the ocean.
  3. Provide a roof layout plan showing how future photovoltaic panels could be installed, and provide a conduit from the roof to electrical panel.
  4. Provide a construction air quality management plan.
  5. Interior paints and wood finishes shall be low VOC.
  6. Install Energy Star appliances in residential construction.
  7. Conserve water, minimize drainage to the storm drains, and improve water quality by: providing permeable surfaces in front, side and rear yards, installing drought tolerant landscape and water-conserving irrigation systems, installing low flow showerheads, faucets and water closets, and controlling construction debris.
  8. Provide bicycle parking as required by the code.
  9. Provide area for recyclable materials storage.
  10. Install energy efficient outdoor lighting.
  11. Provide landscaping in new surface parking areas.
  12. Reduce vehicle trips by complying with the City's Transportation Demand Management programs.
  13. Comply with the revised energy efficiency standards in Title 24 of the Building Code.

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