Another eBay find of the day: MTV Staying Alive Celebrity Autographed Vespa


Sebastian has debated the merits of bidding on and winning the Hummer which was previously owned by Fergie. The issue is whether or not the vehicle should stay on the road, being that the proceeds of the auction are going towards a green charity. My .02 is this: if the vehicle is being driven in a manner which demands the Hummer's off-road credentials (which would be...?), then so be it. If not, well... there are surely better choices with which to commute back and forth to work. Like, say... a Vespa. Since we are on the subject of eBay auctions, why not check out the "MTV Staying Alive Celebrity Autographed Vespa" which is currently on the auction block. This machine is sure to do better when it comes to gas mileage than Fergie's old Hummer H2, and while the proceeds are not going to a green charity, they are going to a good cause. And, don't forget that your total cost of ownership on the Vespa will be way less than with the Hummer. From the initial purchase to filling the (very small) gas tank to insuring it - you'll come out way ahead.

Oh yeah... did Mena Suvari sign this thing twice or something?


[Source: eBay]

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