Carbon Catalog, an offset directory site, opens today

Today is the launch day for Carbon Catalog, an independent website directory that means to centralize information on carbon offset projects and providers. If you're looking for a nearby carbon offset company, Carbon Catalog's simple interface will quickly be able to tell you what's available. It's also good for finding far-flung operations. Did you know, for example, about Islands of Llight, a project to install highly efficient compact fluorescent lamps in Majuro, Marshall Islands. As for automobile-related carbon offsets, Carbon Catalog lists Certified Clean Car, DrivingGreen and, of course, TerraPass.

The site was started by Gideon Greenspan, an internet entrepreneur who currently lives in Tel Aviv. Greenspan told AutoblogGreen that Carbon Catalog currently categorizes 30 voluntary carbon offset providers and 120 carbon offset projects around the world. If you're curious about the business slant of some carbon offset schemes, Greenspan makes it clear that Carbon Catalog has "no commercial relationship with any of the projects or providers listed."

[Source: Carbon Catalog / Gideon Greenspan]

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