The Scooter Scoop hosts the first Genuine Rattler Buck Ten review


Scooters are great when it comes to saving gas, and some studies show that they can cut down on emissions too, especially when you consider that they are less likely to be stuck in traffic. Obviously, due to their smaller size and the ability to fit more of them on the road, scooters can also cut down on congestion and parking problems. But, like other two-stroke scooters that we have shown you, the Genuine Scooters Rattler Buck Ten is not likely to show up on your green-radar. Two-stroke engines can in fact be made clean enough to meet emissions requirements, but it takes more effort to do it. Four-stroke engines are likely to always be cleaner under the same circumstances. But, if your sole goal is to save money on your gas bill, a scooter like the Rattler will do very nicely.

[Source: The Scooter Scoop]

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