Tata confirms interest in Jaguar, Land Rover

We'd picked up rumblings a while back that India's Tata Motors was interested in placing a bid with Ford for its Jaguar and Land Rover properties. Tata's even gone so far as to set its advisors loose on the potential deal to investigate how solid the investment would be. The automaker wants to strengthen itself through expansion into other markets, rather than being tied solely to the whims of the Indian economy. Jaguar and Land Rover are worldwide prestige brands that would give Tata instant entry to many more markets with a built-in customer base. Ratan Tata confirmed his company's desire to bid for the PAG albatross brands during an interview with an Indian news channel. Further exposition by Mr. Tata on the subject was not forthcoming, but the full interview will air Sunday and Monday, and may clear up some more questions. After the jump, we imagine what a letter of intent from Tata to Ford might look like.

[Source: Forbes]

Autoblog's imaginary industrial espionage bureau has intercepted the final official communications:

Ford Motor Company
Dearborn, MI
Attn: Alan Mulally

Mr. Mulally,

Seeing as you're not doing anything with them, and we wouldn't mind expanding into other markets, we'll take Jaguar and Land Rover off your hands. They're a little beat-up, especially Jaguar, which we suspect isn't firing on all cylinders. If you want to think in historical terms, consider our offer a chance to reverse the colonization of the past – we would be the ones ordering the English around. Please give us a call if you're interested in selling, we'll have our guy look the properties over to make sure we're not missing any issues that'd make them total clunkers. We love the prestige and style, but they're definite projects. We expect that once they're restored, they'll bring a higher price.


Tata Motors
New Delhi

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