Should the Volt come with a gun rack?

Sure, we're not unaware of the hype surrounding the Chevy Volt, but we're gonna keep writing about the Volt because, c'mon, look at what the hype is creating. While the line between hunter and environmentalist varies depending on whom you speak to (sometimes, a hunter will gladly embrace typically lefty, green causes; sometimes not. Sometimes a "environmentalist" - as they appear in our media - enjoys hunting, sometimes they hate it), it should be easy to understand the appeal that a greener world has to the hunting crowd (hint, it involves more animals to hunt on more pristine land).

So, with that lengthy intro out of the way, let's take a look at website, a gun owners website ("home of the black rifle") and forum that Autoblog points out is "having an enlightening discussion about why the Volt hits their sweet spot." The AR15 community seems to shun the stereotypical environmentalist vehicles (cough, *Prius*, cough) and labels (they say to beware the "tree-huggin stump-humping global warming alarmist") but some really want a car like the Volt. That must be music to GM's ears. Now GM just needs to produce the darn thing.

[Source: via Autoblog]

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