Survey shows 3 out of 4 Americans favor 40 mpg by 2010


According to a survey conducted for the Civil Society Institute (CSI) and more than three out of four Americans (76 percent) -- including 78 percent of 2008 voters -- want Congress to raise the mile-per-gallon (MPG) requirement sharply now to 40 mpg by 2010 rather than waiting to reach a more modest MPG goal by 2018

The survey also offers some interesting findings of the CSI/ One is the very little difference between Democrats, Independents or Republicans. Another interesting finding is that 53 percent said they would be more likely to support a candidate who advocated a 40 mpg fuel-efficiency standard as a way to lower global warming and reduce U.S. reliance on Middle Eastern oil. Over a quarter of Americans (28 percent) say that a 40 mpg stance would make them likely to support a candidate, and only 15 percent say it would make them less likely to back such a candidate.

This survey was conducted by Opinion Research Corporation among a sample of 1,013 adults (504 men and 509 women) aged 18 and over living in private households in the Continental United States during April 19-22, 2007.

We have mentioned a few times on how good it would be to have such cars overnight. But are Americans really willing to trade V8s and or SUVs for hybrids, smaller cars or other alternatives?


[Source CSI via Winding Road]

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