Scientists say Japanese automakers doing more for US environment than Detroit

The Union of Concerned Scientists released a report yesterday that says Japanese automakers are driving Americans toward a cleaner environment. Meanwhile, domestic automakers are producing vehicles with the worst smog and global warming emissions. Heading up the list are Honda and Toyota while Ford, GM and DCX bring up the rear, according to the group. In the middle were Hyundai-Kia, Nissan and VW.

The scientists ranked each automaker based on the smog-producing capacity of their vehicles and effect the vehicles had on global warming. Honda was the greenest company for the fourth straight year. The company offers small-engine vehicles, hybrids and one powered by natural gas. Honda will offer an advanced diesel engine (shown) by 2009. Toyota also scored better-than-average scores in every vehicle class. Chrysler group was last, mainly because it relies heavily on trucks and minivans.

[Source: Associated Press via Fox 12 Oregon]

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