Automotive film archive goes live

There's something so magical about seeing old cars in motion. Especially period video of horseless carriages and pre-war classics motoring along. Or vintage racing footage showing our current museum pieces being flung about as their makers intended. If these kinds of images appeal to you, we have some good news. An extensive and rare collection of old automotive clips has just become available through Universal Motoring History Limited. Covering more than 100 years of automotive history, the archive has been assembled from private and professional film collections, advertisements and newsreels. Old film being what it is, the quality isn't always stellar, but more than acceptable it seems.

You can see samples and a full listing of titles at Rather than movies about automobiles, this is a collection of short clips, generally two to 10 minutes long, many of which were thought to be lost. More than 500 clips are included in the full archive, covering everything from "the beginning of mass production, [to] world land speed record runs, car commercials, motor shows, new car launches, the evolution of car design, experimental cars, flying cars, famous drivers, stunt driving, unusual military machines and more." You'll also get to see racing at "Le Mans, Indianapolis, Monte Carlo and many of the other major international motor racing circuits, as well as hill climbs, street racing and stock car racing from around the world."

The material is available in a unique format. You can purchase the weekly featured downloads for £3.99, or the whole archive saved on an external hard drive for £199. Get more details at their website. Check out the listings or sample clips while you're there. Great new time waster.

[Source: Universal Motoring History via]

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