Oliomap is your Wikimap for biodiesel and VegOil services

It's not easy converting a diesel engine to run on Vegetable Oil. We just wrote about New Orleans blogger Matt Robinson's trouble converting his VW truck, and our own Ray Holan has had his special set of issues. But, while we were talking about the problems, Vincent Tervooren is trying to find solutions.

The key to a good VegOil conversion is a good mechanic, and that's one of the resources you can search for on Oliomap.com, Tervooren's Global Biofuel Resources Map. More useful data available that AutoblogGreen readers will find useful are the biodiesel and VegOil distribution centers. Users can not only find local services, but also rate them and discuss in Oliomap's forums. It's kind of quiet over there now, but Oliomap is only a few months old and has a lot of potential, so I expect it to grow as people use and like the site.

You can see from the screen grab of the map today (above) that most of the user-inputted businesses are in Europe and America (and give it up for South Africa!). If you run or use a business that fits with Oliomap's theme, go ahead and add them to the map. If you use the map and have good or bad results, let us know.

[Source: Oliomap]

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