Minnesota bio-researcher calls for many alternative-fuel solutions

No state pushes ethanol harder than Minnesota with its incentives and regulations. Now the alternative fuel's limits are being recognized by the state's academic community. Dr. Robert Elde is dean of the College of Biological Sciences at the University Minnesota. He wrote an opinion piece for Sunday's St. Paul Pioneer Press and agrees with findings that show America can't grow enough corn and soybeans to meet both food and fuel requirements for the nation. He calls for an intense program to find the next generation of biofuels. Some of these efforts include converting woody mass into ethanol, using bacteria to generate electricity and producing hydrogen from swine manure. Dr. Elde also stresses that the alternative fuel community should consider many solutions. In other words, don't look for the silver bullet, but promote silver buckshot.
[Source: Dr. Robert Elde / St. Paul Pioneer Press]

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