VIDEO: Hammond's first interview since crash

Despite the fact that doctors predicted he would be in the hospital for 15 months, Richard Hammond exited the ER after only a couple of weeks following his horrific accident involving a jet car that he lost control of at over 300 mph. Last Friday Hammond gave his first interview on Brit Jonathan Ross's talk show, which we've assembled here for you after the jump. The interview comes in two parts and totals around 15 minutes.

We have no idea who Jonathan Ross is, but apparently Hammond was hankering a trip back to the '70s and the purple and red set of Jonathan Ross hit the spot. In their conversation, Hammond reveals that he can't remember the two weeks following the crash, and that by doctors' orders he's not allowed to drink, at least heavily, for the next two years.

Seeing the Hamster engaging in a conversation, successfully at that, is a bit weird considering the story we've all been following. No one would be surprised if the man arrived on set in a full body cast sipping lunch through a straw, but instead Hammond saunters on stage and shows us all that his trademark wit and humor has recovered fully.

Check out the videos after the jump.

Thanks for the tip, Matt!

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