Where's Rondo? Kia sells three in the U.S.

Fans of wagon-like small minivans (yes, me and you other two), should keep your eyes peeled for Kia's new Rondo. There are apparently quite a few more on U.S. roads than there were last year. Three more actually. Which brings the total number ever sold in the U.S. to, uh, three.

Some sharp-eyed journalist over at Automotive News noticed the odd sales figure at the bottom of Kia's recently-released October sales numbers. They quote a Kia spokesman saying Kia is mounting a soft launch of the Rondo. The Rondo is not being advertised. The Rondo is not listed anywhere on either Kia's consumer Web site nor on their media site. Maybe instead of soft launch the spokesman should have said mushy. Or even nonexistent.

The Kia employee also says they expect to sell 500 by the end of December.

Um, good luck!

Check out the sales chart for yourself after the jump.

[Source: Automotive News]

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