Bob Lutz admits "mistake" with hybrids but still sees promise in technology

Did you know that General Motors had a hybrid system in 1968? That's one of the gems of information that Lou Ann Hammond generated from a video interview with Bob Lutz that that was just posted on her site.
GM's product boss was very complimentary to Toyota for creating the current hybrid excitment. He even acknowledged that GM made a "tactical and possibly even strategic mistake" in not bringing its hybrid technology to market sooner. He also doesn't think hybrids will lose their luster because the "public is permamently sensative to the volatility of gas prices."

Lutz talks about the upcoming two-mode hybrid system that GM will offer on its trucks as well as the hydrogen future of GM. Obviously in an enthusiastic mood (the interview was conducted while at the Laguna Beach Ritz-Carlton on the Southern California coast during the Sequel drive program), Lutz says GM will be the global leader in fuel economy, technology and styling. Go get 'em Bob!


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