Pennsylvania working to make Clean Vehicles Program cleaner

Since 1998, the State of Pennsylvania has had a Clean Vehicles Program (CVP). The program was designed to help clean Pennsylvania's air, which isn't all that great. As the governor's office recently admitted, two-thirds of Pennsylvanians live in the 37 counties that "failed to meet the protective eight-hour ozone standards and were designated as 'nonattainment' by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 2004". The dirty skies hurt people (making heart and respiratory problems worse) as well as plants and wildlife. Cars, of course, contribute to this pollution.
So, last week, the CVP was enhanced when the state's Environmental Quality Board (EQB) voted 16-2 to lock in the 2008 model year as the compliance date for new, lower emissions standards for passenger cars and light-duty trucks in the state. Automakers will also be required to make their fleet emissions standards cleaner than current federal guidelines state. Governor Edward G. Rendell's office says the enhanced program comes "all at no overall additional cost to consumers". He doesn't need to convince people it's a good program, though. The EQB heard almost five thousand public comments on the new rule, and almost all were in support. Other state agencies must still approve the changes to the program before they go into effect.

[Source: Pennsylvania Office of the Governor]

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