Automakers under fire for advertising campaigns


Parents Television Council has it out for General Motors, Toyota, Volkswagen, DaimlerChrysler and Nissan due to the companies' support of "edgy" television shows over more wholesome content. Ford, on the other hand, got props from PTC thanks to its sponsorship of American Idol.

PTC says television networks blame advertisers for their choices in content, saying that if advertisers would support more family-friendly content and boycott shows with sexually graphic, violent or profane material, the networks would clean up their offerings. GlaxoSmithKline, Apple Computer, Target, American Express and Circuit City also made the organization's hit list.

Automakers defend their choices in supporting certain programs. Our favorite PR man, Jason Vines of Chrysler, indicates that his company supports a wide variety of programming to best reach the various groups that make up the U.S. population, while GM spokeswoman Ryndee S. Carney says that GM's ad placement is "aimed at ensuring GM advertises on programming consistent and compatible with the image of our brands and our business needs."

[Source: Automotive News]

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