Video: Kermit the Frog caught moonlighting for BMW


It appears that 'being green' is a bit easier than originally thought. How else to explain Kermit sawing away at the helm of a BMW 1-Series, kickin' up dust in a South African desert and having a gay old time with the not-for-U.S. consumption five door? This, when he's under contract in the States to plug Ford's Escape Hybrid.

Apparently, Henson's pig-lovin' Fröschlein has himself a solid agent... or at least Steve Whitmire (the guy with his hand up Kermie's posterior) does. Autoblog had dinner with SW (and Kermit) in Chicago this year at a private pre-show Ford function, but would seem that the man pulling the strings has found himself some better representation.

Check out the link for both the final BMW advert and a 'making-of' featurette.

[Source: Fresh Creation]

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