Diane Rehm takes an hour-long look at biodiesel, ethanol and other alternative fuel vehicles

There is a seemingly endless amount of media sources taking a look as ethanol or biodiesel or the future "hydrogen economy".  Yesterday, NPR's Diane Rehm dedicated the first hour of her show to all three of these fuels, plus more. Her guests included three guests, identified on the show's website as:

Roger Duncan, deputy general manager, Austin Energy, the municipal utility for Austin, Texas and head of a national campaign to promote plug-in hybrid vehicles.
Daniel Sperling, director, Institute of Transportation Studies, professor, civil and environmental engineering and professor of environmental science and policy at the University of California, Davis.
Charles Territo, director of communications, Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers.

You can listen to the program here.

[Source: The Diane Rehm Show]

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